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Employee ownership and how dxw is run

dxw is employee owned.

Being employee owned means we can retain our independence and, with that, the ability to choose the work we do and how we run the company. The keys to protecting our mission and values.

It means you get to work somewhere which has its mission and values, not just on a website, but written into its founding documents.

We believe it would be much harder for us to deliver our mission to improve public services, with an ownership structure that prioritises profits for people who play no active part in the business and carries the pressures that come from being judged by the stock markets.

How dxw is run #

dxw is led by the Company Board.

The Trustee Board is responsible for making sure the Company Board is working effectively and running dxw sustainably in line with our mission and values. In doing so, the Trustees look after the staff’s interests as owners of the company.

The Staff Council represents the views of staff as employees of the company, and has an advisory role to both the Company Board and Trustee Board.

The Company Board #

The Company Board looks at the future direction for the company. It meets quarterly and discusses longer term strategic issues and decisions on things like:

It’s made up of Executive Directors, who lead and manage dxw teams in addition to their board role, and one Non-Executive Director. The Non-Executive Director chairs the Company Board.

The Executive Directors and Non-Executive Director are registered at Companies House and are personally and legally responsible for most of what is done in the company’s name.

Senior Leadership Team #

Executive Directors also have day to day responsibilities for the organisation and meet regularly as a Senior Leadership Team (SLT) led by the CEO, to take tactical decisions about the operation of the company. The areas that the SLT focuses on include, for example, the position on current contracts, the work pipeline and staff engagement.

Many operational decisions are delegated to others by the SLT, for example which work we bid for, who will work on which project, or who we hire.

The Trustee Board #

The Trustee Board makes sure the Company Board is running dxw for the benefit of staff as owners of the company, both now and in future.

The Trustees take pragmatic decisions to ensure the company is successful over the long term. This can sometimes mean taking a different position from what staff may want as employees.

It makes sure the company is acting in line with our mission and values. This includes ensuring that the people who use the services we build are being considered and represented in the decisions made by dxw.

The Trustee Board is the board of Public Service Trust Ltd, a trust that was set up to hold employee shares in the company. The Trust owns the majority shareholder stake in dxw on behalf of staff.

The Trustee Board meets quarterly and its consent is needed for major decisions relating to the company. For example, it signs off the business plan prepared by the Company Board each year and it can appoint or remove directors.

There are 5 trustee positions: 2 employee trustees elected by staff, 2 independent trustees and dxw’s founder. Having the employee trustees means that a staff perspective is always present in the biggest decisions we make.

The Staff Council #

Our Staff Council is currently made up of 12 staff members. It represents the views of staff as employees, and gives them a voice that must be heard by the Company Board. Its main responsibilities are to:

The Staff Council’s role is advisory and it meets with the Company Board regularly. The Staff Council can make recommendations to the Company Board which they must consider and respond to, but it doesn’t have any decision-making powers.

The Staff Council is involved in the annual business planning process and provides input when our Head of People develops new HR policies or approaches. It also advises on issues like how to keep improving our internal communications and understanding staff engagement.

In most cases, the Staff Council will be able to provide a perspective based on their day to day interactions with staff, and their trusted knowledge and insight. Though they may sometimes decide they need to consult with colleagues more widely. For example, asking employees for feedback on the draft business plan.

How dxw staff are involved in decision making #

dxw aims to have an open and collaborative culture and all staff are encouraged to get involved in company-wide work. They can talk to their line managers, Heads of or Directors about any questions, issues or ideas. Staff can also speak informally with anyone on the Staff Council or Trustee Board. Most of the time, their first point of contact is likely to be their line manager.

dxw has staff groups who lead on specific issues like inclusion, diversity and equity and our impact on the planet. These groups are supported by the Company Board and can bring their ideas and proposals to them for consideration.

There are regular opportunities for staff to stand for election, and vote for, Staff Council and Trustee Board members to represent them.

Last updated: 22 January 2024 (history)